

批准任何联邦援助(佩尔,SEOG,直接贷款, & (勤工俭学)取决于:

  • 联邦政府对每个项目的授权和拨款;
  • 联合国大学收到每个方案的预期经费数额;
  • 任何影响资格的联邦法规变更;
  • 最终批准大学预算在预计拨款水平.


Your 金融 aid award is based on information you and your family submitted on the application materials. It is your responsibility to notify the 金融援助 Office of any change in your or your family's circumstances. This includes the receipt of any additional 金融 aid or other resources not indicated on your award letter. 如果这样的变化真的发生了, 我们保留审查和可能修改您的援助的特权.


除非你收到了特别的, 相反的书面声明, this 金融 aid may only be used if you are enrolled in a degree program at the 永利app新版本官网地址 Durham, 曼彻斯特校区或法学院.


除非在你的获奖信上另有说明, your award is based upon full-time enrollment for both semesters of the academic year (12 credits per semester for an undergraduate student and 9 credits per semester for a graduate student). 如果你不是全日制学生, 您的援助将相应地调整(包括可能取消)。. It is your responsibility to notify the 金融援助 Office of any change in enrollment status.


A Student may qualify for 金融 aid when repeating a previously passed course (higher than an “F”) only the first time. 学生可以在重复同一门不及格课程时多次获得经济资助(SAP的政策 适用于上述情况). 然而, 如果一个学生通过了一门课,然后重修,第二次不及格, that failure counts as their retake and the student may not receive 金融 aid for that class a third time.


你是否会获得学费奖学金, 你所在院系或研究生院提供的助学金或任何其他援助, or if you will be enrolled less than 9 credits you should inform the 金融援助 Office in writing immediately. 调整你的贷款或勤工俭学可能是必要的.


All students receiving federal aid must meet satisfactory academic progress standards in order to be eligible to receive aid through those programs. 目前的标准,令人满意的学业进展是可用的 在我们的网站上,或应财政援助办公室的要求.


接受联邦资助的学生应该意识到,美国政府的政策是不合理的.S. Department of Education regulations govern the refund and repayment of aid when a student withdraws before completion of the semester for which aid has been received.


受助人须每年重新申请,因为大部分资助只批出一年. A Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is required each year and must be filed between October 1 and March 1 for the following academic year.


FAFSA优先截止日期是下一学年的3月1日. Your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) should be received at the Federal Processing Center by this date to receive your award notification in a timely manner.

Student applicants are accountable for the accurate and timely submission of the FAFSA Application.

注意:在FAFSA申请中有一个参考“国家援助截止日期”.“不要被这些日期误导. These dates are when the FAFSA must be filed to be considered for aid from your home state. 这不是联合国大学的财政援助申请截止日期,也不是大多数其他大学的截止日期.

注:有待联邦财政援助审查, UNH必须有你的正确, 在学年入学的最后一天完成FAFSA.


The 金融援助 Office reserves the privilege of reviewing and possibly revising awards. Applicants should notify the office immediately of any change in either their or their families' 金融 situation. 这包括通知学生账户收到非大学奖学金.

Most 金融 aid awards are based originally upon the assumption that students will enroll full time (12 or more credits per semester for undergraduates; nine for graduate students) unless they have notified our office to the contrary. 因此, 学生由全日制转为非全日制的, 可能会导致援助调整.



如果父母离婚或分居, answer the questions about the parent who provides the greater portion of the student’s 金融 support, 即使学生不和他们住在一起. If both parents provided an exactly equal amount of 金融 support during the past 12 months, 或者他们在经济上不支持学生, 回答有关收入和资产较高的一方的问题. If this parent is remarried as of today, answer the questions about that parent and the stepparent.  UNH不需要非监护父母声明.


有资格获得经济援助, 你必须被学位课程录取, enrolled at least half-time (six credits each semester for undergraduates; five credits each semester for graduate students), 成为一名美国人.S. 公民或符合条件的非公民. 查看联邦学生援助免费申请 获取完整的需求列表.

择优奖学金及续期, 与学习成绩和行为有关的减职和撤销

奖学金 awarded through the Office of 招生 aim to provide an incentive to highly qualified students to enroll and excel at the 永利app新版本官网地址. 撤销奖学金的决定不是轻易做出的, 它也不打算成为一个纯粹的机械过程.

当时会颁发奖学金, students are advised that renewal criteria exist related to both academic achievement and citizenship as a member of the UNH community. 学生期望达到3分.第四学期期末累积GPA达到20分.

Four semesters allow sufficient time for most students to make necessary adjustments to college to succeed and the 3.20要求有效地反映了所有UNH注册学生的平均绩点.

累积平均分低于3分的学生.第四学期末交20美元, 不管多接近临界值, 奖学金将被撤销的通知. Students may reach out to the Associate Dean of their college to discuss ways to improve their academic standing so that they may petition the Academic Standards and Advisory Committee or ASAC to reinstate their merit-based scholarship. Petitioning ASAC ensures consistency across academic units and provides a common forum for students to have their cases presented.


如果你获得了高中或校外组织的奖学金, 你必须提交你的获奖信和/或支票的副本到 联合国大学学生帐户 你一收到就行. 他们将反过来通知财政援助办公室.

如果你正在接受联邦援助, 规定规定,学生的资源不能超过学生的需要. 如果你已经有了一个援助计划,你的需求得到了充分的满足, 你的奖学金可能需要从你的助学金中扣除. In many cases, this will reduce the amount of the loans or federal work-study that you were awarded. 具体信息请咨询我们的办公室.


联络我们的办事处 如果你有特殊情况没有在FAFSA上注明. 或者,您可以下载并完成 特殊情况表格 然后提交给我们办公室审核.


The date your FAFSA is recorded by a federal processor determines whether your application is considered on time (no later than March 1).

提交FAFSA后, 打印一份每一页作为记录, 包括提交后收到的确认页面. 如果电子提交有问题,你有按时提交的证明.


对于2024-2025年FAFSA, you will be asked to report income and tax information from the previous completed tax year (2022 information). This change allows you to avoid estimating your tax information and having to go back and update it later on. 而不是, you will be able to easily use the FUTURE Act Direct Data Exchange (FA-DDX) to import your tax information.

If your FAFSA has been chosen for Verification and you are unable to use the FA-DDX you will be required to provide either official 2022 IRS Tax Return Transcripts or a signed copy of your 2022 Tax Return(s). 国税局的表格可以 要求在线 并可通过我们的安全上传表格进行更新. 请务必在文件顶部加上您的姓名和联合国儿童基金会. 除了, our office requires that youcomplete the appropriate Verification Worksheet Form via Webcat to our office.